Category: Status Update

A status update, like on Facebook

  • Early Web 2.0 had apps like foursquare, apps that meshed a status post with physical check-ins to places. It tracked places you went, shared them socially, and gamified the experience of going places. I think it also functioned as a journal, a record of places you had gone.

    I can see something like that being useful in terms of the journaling. Tracking the places you’ve been, maybe including a note or two about what happened or why you were there serves as a log book of your bodies geographic history.

    I am setting up the category and giving it a try, I’ll see how it develops.

    For the format I am envisioning a photo with (or without) a few simple lines stating why I am here or what happened. Other ideas include getting a selfie in front of the place (would lookd nice in bulk but too tedious… at least for me), getting a thoughtful shot of the front of the place (maybe too tedious as well?) and also posting from my phone so I can tag the location*. My current theme doesn’t support locations as far as I know but I think WordPress still supports it.

    *This feature is not actually available without a plugin.

  • This is the highest I will ever bowl.

    It is likely the highest I will ever bowl.

  • I made it to dinner time with the family at home. When it is time to cook I will often reward myself with a little podcast, show, or some kind of media. It is my time and the extra splurge in something I want makes it a little more enjoyable. I wash the whole ordeal down with a beer.

    I know that I could use more silence, more room for my personal thoughts to develop. My annual time at Wilderness emphasizes the point… no distractions for 3 days leaves me feeling as clear headed as I am in any given year.

    I am not a resolution making kind of guy but if I were I think I would try to make more time to give to my thoughts. Less netflix, podcasts, news articles, headlines, media… or at least confine those stimuli. Continue the push for a health balance.

  • I received any traps for next spring and 12 liters of cleaner from Amazon today because, well, Amazon ships my shit on Sunday. Is there anyway to tell Amazon that I can wait a couple days for some things? Maybe give the driver a day off?

  • For some reason this quote has stuck with me.

    The thing is, we didn’t know anything about anything, so like when we wanted to do a thing we’d just do a thing and if it didn’t work we’d redo a thing.