Hello, I’m Rob Walcott

First Ride of Spring
Just one of a few photos. View the rest as well as the Strava map embed here.
Imogen, Like an Executive
Imogen being chauffeured to gymnastics.
Sometimes you read an article and think “I would like to read this again or I think this will come up in conversation.” I save those articles here to share with others or find again.
You Are Being Alienated From Your Own Attention – Atlantic
“Think of Times Square with its blinding lights, or a casino floor or a supermarket checkout counter. More and more, our entire lives have come to resemble those spaces.”
Life happenings. Sometimes I do writing exercises (those are posted privately) sometimes I make things that happen public. Journaling is a healthy form of reflection and taking account. I try to keep it from being self indulging
Momma Mia and a Saturday with the Girls. Journal, March 9, 2025
I was conflicted while watching Imogen’s soft-lit face yesterday during the Black River High School production of Momma Mia. The production was just that, a high school production—mostly…
Imogen, Like an Executive
Imogen being chauffeured to gymnastics.
A Note from Margo
Margo has been leaving notes back to us in her lunch box. Within all her wildness and strong will is also an incredibly sweet and caring kid.
Like Pinterest. Web clippings and screenshots and the visuals I want to keep track of.
View Collected Images
Just posts about bike rides, maybe similar to Strava. Part journaling for me to remember and part sharing. May turn into outdoor activity or narrow to just stuff about bikes.
I have a hard time recalling the art work and artists I have seen and where and when I saw it. Posting them here helps me keep track for reference.
Little notes and things to remember.