2018 Transit Features & Needs

Cargo Bike StorageA minor need but a huge factor in my design layout. Ideally the “bed” can be down and the bike can be stored at the same time.
Heated PlaceMiddle section as most insulated.
Hauling and moving itemsNeed to easily load appliances, bikes, ideally find way to move mulch and dirtier items.
Eating Take out
Driving additional passengersInstalled rear removable seat as well.
Post hike place to warm up
Office work
Keep groceries cold
SocializeWaiting for kids, can invite in friends/other parents and have a drink and hang out.
Watch a movie/show?
Sleep RestSecondary
Emergency ToiletPurchased instead of making compost.

Items kept (or that have a place) in the van

Paper TowelsKitchen
BlanketsStore high (light weight). Should also be very accessible for kids/passenger. (Towel/Blanket combo?
Swim Suits
Beach/Bath TowelCould I find a towel/Blanket combo?
Tire Inflator
Battery Jumper
Extra Clothing Outfit (per person)Each person should have their own box for trips too… this could be in their box.
TissuesI think TP is enough.
Toilet Paper
Potable WaterLeaning toward keeping purchased bottles of water. Keeping clean water systems is a huge undertaking which requires more maintenance than it offsets occasional purchased water.
Med Kit
Hand Soap
Trash BinHigh priority. Should be easy to reach while in motion.
Drinking Cups
Sun Glasses
Shopping Bags
Returns for stores
Office Files/Envelopes/Stamps
Rags and Cleaner
Phone/Watch Charger
MirrorSliding rear door?Larger size.
Plate/Bowl/SilverwarePlastic Plates and bows
Chef knife
Dish scrubber and Dish soap
Dish towels
Camp Chairs
Work Gloves
Hat/Gloves/Light coatSeasonally packed
AxThis is stupid and I probably wont
Small tool set
Books and games for kid entertainmentUnder rear seat
VacuumPlaying with shop vac/grey water system. Could be used to clean up wet messes too.
Heated Mats?By each seat for feetCould be a nice upgrade, thinking about a season mat to bring in. Just need to have power available per location. Could use RV water tank heater pads. I think I will shelf the idea and just make sure power is available in those areas.
Small barMix a nice drink, share with guests. Luxury!
Keep 4 boxes open for tripsNeed a box for each person to pack in. Leaves 5 to keep things in but probably should only keep things in 3.
Hand Sanitizer


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