What the Longest Study on Human Happiness Found Is the Key to a Good Life, The Atlantic
One thing of note from the read: As average Americans we will spend 58 days over the next 29 years (10,592 days) with the people who make us most happy and healthy. We will spend 4851 days looking at our phones and devices. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/harvard-happiness-study-relationships/672753/
German WW1 Soldier
Why We Need Civics, The Atlantic
Why We Need Civics https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/01/american-identity-democracy-civics-education-requirement/672789/?utm_source=feed
One Woman Is Holding Politicians Accountable for Nasty Speech. It’s Changing Politics., Politico
Jesse Signal and Diversity Training
This has been one of those articles that makes a big enough splash that you see it references in more than one feed. I don’t know the name Jesse Signal yet but I plan to give his podcasts a try to see what this is about. Haven’t read the original NYT article (damn paywall). Articles…
Eating one wild fish same as month of drinking tainted water: study, phys.org
phys.org/news/2023-01-wild-fish-month-tainted.html I can’t vouch for the source but wanted to hold onto this article. Somethings are bad enough in a complicated not fixable way that you tend to gloss over them and try not to think of them… like at the beginning of Covid.
Vouchers are a Disaster by any Name, Diane Ravitch.net
Energy from Fusion. What is the Promise and What Hurdles Remain, Christian Science Monitor
American Religion is not Dead Yet, The Atlantic