Electric Vehicles powering the grid in California
The Local-News Crisis Is Weirdly Easy to Solve
In Defense of Manly Tears
thedispatch.com/newsletter/gfile/in-defense-of-manly-tears/ There are a couple lines in here that intrigue me in the context of an Atlantic article I read the other day on religion. There is a part about satisfaction as a gauge of liberty… something to think about.
Humans Love Fireflies. Maybe Too Much.
Community solar
EVs Are Sending Toxic Tire Particles Into the Water, Soil, and Air
EVs Are Sending Toxic Tire Particles Into the Water, Soil, and Air https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2023/07/electric-vehicles-tires-wearing-out-particulates/674750/?utm_source=feed
The Communist Designer, the Fascist Furniture Dealer, and the Politics of Design – A tale of two bookcases.
Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question.
Is a Glass of Wine Harmless? Wrong Question. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/moderate-drinking-heart-disesase-cancer/674692/?utm_source=feed
Is the Beach Actually Any Fun?
Is the Beach Actually Any Fun? https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/06/beach-vacation-fun/674430/?utm_source=feed AMEN!
News junkies turn to TikTok to chart new paths in media
News junkies turn to TikTok to chart new paths in media https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/news-junkies-turn-tiktok-chart-new-paths-media-2023-06-15/ trying to bridge in my head the connection between Phil Difranco, this, and The Dispatch (mainly Steve)s choice to not do blogs for fear of hot takes.
The DEI Industry Needs to Check Its Privilege
The DEI Industry Needs to Check Its Privilege https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/05/dei-training-initiatives-consultants-companies-skepticism/674237/?utm_source=feed
Using solar to add a few miles to a van